• Meeting you at the fork in the road.

    Continuing education and career guidance when you're ready for a change.



    “Alex helped me identify my unique strengths, and find a new major that would support all of my values and passions. We dove into my options and with her guidance changing my major, I am on a new path that I am so excited and inspired by." - Zoe

  • Meeting you where you are.

    broken image

    Real World Rookie

    When you’re 18 to 22 your entire life is in front of you…but that doesn’t mean you know what you want it to look like.





    broken image

    Career Coaching, Curating, and Connecting

    Why the three C’s need to be part of your career plan moving forward and how to embrace a pivot!



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    Need Something Different?

    On a case-by-case basis, we'll offer hourly consulting to help you meet a specific goal or talk through an urgent need!




  • Real-World Rookie

    When you’re 18 to 22, your entire life is in front of you…but that doesn’t mean you know what you want it to look like. Whether in college, taking a gap year, or getting started in a career or trade, the choices you make now will define the rest of your life. You’ve spent years doing what was expected of you, or rebelling with all your might. But you haven’t taken the time to think about what you want, what your goals are, and how you want to move into adulthood and life. This package will help you embrace who you are and figure out what’s next…





    You'll take a comprehensive YouScience assessment so we can uncover your talents, traits, and interests. We'll then map your unique characteristics to available programs of study and career opportunities that are perfectly aligned. You'll discover your true gifts so you can stop guessing and selling yourself short.


    Deep Dive

    We'll sit down together for a two-hour session to unpack the results of your assessment, discuss alignment - and misalignment - review what's working - and what isn't - and map out a plan moving forward. Whether you're looking to continue your education, change your major, switch schools, get some hands-on experiences, or get your feet wet in your career, we'll help you discover a clear path forward.



    This is when we'll go dark for a couple of weeks as we build a totally customized report for you. This will not be filled with abstract, feel-good advice; it will include practical, tangible, and implementable recommendations, resources, and opportunities - immediate and long term - that relate to your goals. You'll get program of study suggestions, training and education recommendations, career path ideas, and links to other enriching opportunities.

    ($1800 total)


    Ongoing Support

    To help you stay on track, we offer an add-on package of 4 additional sessions to help stay on track and reach your goals.

    ($1000 additional)

  • I'm interested.

  • Career Coaching, Curating, and Connecting

    You're deep in your career wondering if you took the right path. You're just starting out in your career, trying to make the right first move. You've been out of work for a while and you're worried your skills are no longer relevant. Whatever your situation, we've got you. Whether you're making a career pivot, a fresh start, or just want to infuse your current job with a bit more energy, we're here to help you match up what you do best with the right kind of work.



    You'll take a comprehensive YouScience assessment so we can uncover your talents, traits, and interests. We'll then map your unique characteristics to available career opportunities that are perfectly aligned. You'll discover your true gifts so you can stop guessing and selling yourself short.


    Deep Dive

    We'll sit down together for a two-hour session to unpack the results of your assessment, discuss alignment - and misalignment - review what's working - and what isn't - and map out a plan moving forward.

    Whether you're re-entering the work force, making a big career pivot, or just wanting to jazz up your current work situation, we'll help you discover a clear path forward.



    This is when we'll go dark for a couple of weeks as we build a totally customized report for you. This will not be filled with abstract, feel-good advice; it will include practical, tangible, and implementable recommendations, resources, and opportunities - immediate and long term - that relate to your goals. You'll get links to job openings, recommendations for ongoing training and education, and links to enriching opportunities.

    ($1800 total)


    Ongoing Support

    To help you stay on track, we offer an add-on package of 4 additional sessions to help stay on track and reach your goals.

    ($1000 additional)

  • I'm interested.