Helping you follow your talent thread through life.
Where are you now and where are you headed?
I'm a high school student, looking for a roadmap.
This is an exciting time! We'll daydream with you, and then help you make an actionable plan to reach those big goals for high school and beyond.
You'll receive a plan that's customized for you as well as periodic check-ins with us along the way so we can keep you on track and cheer you on.
When you're in the thick of applying to college, we can be your sidekick, helping you through the entire process.
I'm a current college student or recent graduate looking to discover how to put my talents to work
For those who've already had a taste of adult life, we offer ongoing guidance packages that grow with you! Together, we'll take a deep dive into your grandest talents and explore what makes you, well... YOU. We'll give you a customized education/career plan that will give you the momentum you need to keep learning and exploring.
I'm looking to rediscover my talents and refresh my career.
For those who have been around the block, seen some wins and some losses, and are craving a fresh start. Maybe you want to upskill, look for new outlets for your interests, or start a new career. We'll do a full inventory of your aptitudes, interests, and work approach to uncover opportunities that are made for you.
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The Mission
Helping you follow your talent thread throughout your life.
For general info:
© 2017